I have never thrown up with any of my pregnancies. In the past morning sickness has been easily remedied by a handful of almonds or a swig of peppermint tea. Not this time around. I still haven’t thrown up but my morning sickness has turned into an all day event that really makes me want to just curl up on the sofa. However I still have 3 children to raise.
Yesterday Two wanted to go outside. With weaning, teething and morning (all day) sickness going on all week we had canceled appointments and stayed home for nearly a week. Two is bored out of his mind. Did I mention it has rained nearly all week. Our snow banks that had still been deep enough to loose a boot in is all but gone.
So back to the request to go outside. It meant getting off the sofa, getting everyone ready to go outside and then actually do it. It didn’t really sound good to me but I decided to sacrifice. When we went out I discovered there was a lull in the rain and i didn’t feel sick at all. So I set to work cleaning the yard of a winter’s worth of dog poop. I heard rumors we were supposed to get to 60 degree next week and knew a yard of dog poop and warm weather didn’t mix. Miraculously I felt really good working.
I started thinking about summer and spending times outdoors working and how much I love it. Then for dinner I pulled out a frozen container of my favorite oven roasted tomato sauce with basil. When I opened the container it smelled like summer–heavenly. Even with being sick to my stomach it was the best meal all week.