Pumpkins Galore and an end to bedrest

If there is one thing that signals the end of the growing season it’s pumpkins.

And we have plenty of them. Last weekend Proeun harvested our pumpkins and brought them home–well most of them, at least as many as he could fit in the car.

The kids were duly impressed and have pumpkin carving on the mind.

I am officially off bedrest now, though it seems that labor has started and stopped at least twice right now it seems no where on the horizon. So this weekend we took the children to the thrift store for costumes. Now they are really looking forward to the end of October.

I am just looking forward to the baby. I have gotten my hopes up a couple times but now am trying not to think about it beyond making the home as comfortable as possible and being ready. I had a prenatal today and the midwife said the children seem much calmer now that “mommy is back.” I even started a new project–a sweater for the baby now that I can sit up long enough to knit comfortably.

Yes this is a month of ends and beginnings. I was helping pack boxes for our CSA today and thinking how much I would miss our fields and the vegetables and the excitement of packing our boxes to share with customers. I am sad really. But as soon as the baby comes I will have plenty to keep me busy and joyful till next year.