Open House Success

Thankfully it is finally drying up after all that rain! So we have been out planting like crazy and trying to get caught up but I wanted to take a moment to say thank-you to everyone who stopped by this last week for our very first open house! It was definitely a success and I am so thankful we had the opportunity to share it with all of you. We were so busy I completely forgot to take pictures but let me tell you Jimmy and Blackie, our brand new baby goats were a big hit. And so was the food. Thank-you to everyone who contributed. And if you made the asparagus, zucchini salad we have had alot of request for recipes.

Goats Born on the farm

This morning when we went to feed the goats, Raven let us know today would be the day her babies were born. Oddly enough Two on the way to the goat barn said, “wouldn’t it be great if Raven’s babies were born today?” He was particularly excited when I told him the good news. He and Avril stayed in the barn all morning diligently and quietly watching Raven and reporting back on progress. Around 11:30 it was time for lunch and I knew the time was really close.

Right after lunch they were once again in the barn. I hadn’t even started the dishes when Two ran back to tell us the nose of the first baby had appeared. I tried to get Mavis and Effie and camera together but we missed both births.

I was quite proud of the older children though who acted as midwives at their first goat birth. Two says, “I saw something black coming out of her but and I thought it looked like poop but when I looked closer there were nostrils.” Then the head came and the rest of the body and he ran to grab the towels while the 2nd one was born in Avril’s presence.

Raven with Blackie (kids named them).

Blackie and Jimmy in the background.

Blackie and Jimmy with Avril and Mavis looking on.

Two trying to help them nurse for the first time.

Effie, our little animal lover, trying to pick up Blackie. She actually succeeded at one point and wasn’t happy when we took him away.

Avril holding Jimmy.

It was a great day for the children. A bittersweet one in all honestly for me. After all we are striving towards a working farm and hoped that at least one of these babies would add to our milk production in coming years, but I guess it was not to be. Yes we were given twin bucks.

I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to keep them. But the attentions of the children have won me over. So our first goats born on the farm will stay on the farm, as pets of the children that were there when they were born.

24 hours of rain

Well the good news is that we won’t have to water our plants for probably a month, and we did get all the seeds and transplants in the ground we wanted to (hopefully some of the seeds didn’t wash away though!). Also good is the fact that 24 hours of rain gave me time to get some much needed housework and relaxation done and it’s still continuing, for though the rain has stopped it is still way too soggy to even think of working in the fields let alone walking through the fields. Even the greenhouse is pretty soggy and I have made a few ruts just walking.

So I guess there is no bad news. Like the song says, around here, “rain is a good thing.” I am noticing I am now able to tell the subtle changes in temperature and the look of the clouds that mean a front is coming in. I also like the work of settling all the children, animals and equipment in for a good long rain. Yes rain is pretty fun, especially when we are making good headway through our list of projects before the season starts a short month away.

Catching Up

Oh my what a week! Sorry I have been so behind on blogging. It has been quite busy and eventful around here what with finishing up building projects, planting and trying to fend off foxes that have now discovered our chickens. Oh well, the life of a farmer. I did want to check in and give you some glimpses of life here on Crazy Boy Farm.

Plants getting ready to go out to the field. Proeun designed and built the tables, aren’t they great?

Thanks to the sellers for leaving this beautiful garden.

Shadrach, one of the wild cats that just showed up one day and that has become part of the family chilling in the crabapple tree.

Effie getting into her “chores” she loves giving the baby goats their bottles. We have to watch her as she gets bored and wonders off but I love how she is embracing this life already. She will grow up on the farm, an awesome thought.

Chickens in the Woods

We are just coming off a long weekend. Proeun has to request days off far in advance and our intention was to get alot of work done, then it rained all week. So as life goes we are repriortizing and replanning. One task that we had scheduled was finishing the chicken tractor (mobile chicken house) in the field. Our chickens haven’t been out much yet and they were so ready. But we got rained out and one storm blew the roof off the tractor, more replanning. So now the chickens are free ranging in the woods around their winter home. We will eventually move them to the field as we also wanted their fertilizer but it is really fun to watch them roaming around the woods. We our having to train our black lab puppy that though these are birds they are not to be hunted or played with, even when they run. We’ll get, there, I know we will. I do love the entertainment of watching them though.

The first night we went out to close them in and ended up having to chase them in. The next night we waited until almost dark and they had gone in by themselves–way easier and so much fun.


This weekend we said goodbye to Proeun’s grandfather (“Tha” in Cambodian).

He was a wonderful man who went through some very tough times, like famine, war, genocide, refugee camps and learning to live in a new country all while supporting a wife and 5 daughters. I sadly did not know him well.

Three years ago when he was 87 he began to experience heart problems. The doctors recommended open heart surgery but for a man already aged in years the family asked what the alternatives were and the doctors said with proper medication he would probably live another 3 years. He did and he made it to 90 years old. He became a Christian in 1981 and devoted himself to his new religion. In the end he wasn’t worried and he passed away surrounded by family.

Always a death reminds me that time is the most important thing we have. It reminds me that I am so thankful to be home with my children, that we go through great efforts to stay together as a family when Proeun is home and that try to visit extended family often. I really wish I would have known Tha better. My excuse is time and language barrier but you know in the end I missed out on an amazing opportunity to know and amazing man. I am somewhat comforted to know that he was watching our work getting the farm with interest and felt that we were headed in the right direction. Unfortunately he became ill the day before he and his family was to come for a visit.

He will be missed but I know he wasn’t worried and he shouldn’t be either. Just remember–Time and use it well.

Beekeeping begins

This week the children came running to the house as excited as could be to tell us, “The bees are in the tree!”

This tree to be exact. And they were so excited because we are first time bee keepers. We started this year with 2 packages of bees and two hives. It’s a little nerve racking to be quite honest, not because they are dangerous but because they see so delicate. I am mean lets face it, we have all heard the rumors and facts–bees are in trouble. And they are in trouble on many fronts. One of course is the environmental affects they no one seems to be quite able to pinpoint but there is also the problem of perception.

Many many Americans have little to no connection to the outdoors and anything related to it is scary. Bugs are one very scary element of the outdoors and ones that have the potential to sting even more so. Let me illustrate, we were at a family gathering and I was telling one of the aunts about our new hives. She said, “aren’t you worried about the children?” I am worried about the children I am worried they will grow up in a world without bees to be quite honest. 

When we were still residents of St. Paul we discovered that you could legally keep bees inside the city limits. But after going through all the paperwork for our chicken permit (which included going door to door to ask our neighbors permission to keep chickens) we knew it was very unlikely we would actually be able to get bees. So we are learning about them now.

I admit I was one of those bug haters. Then one day I was working weeding the vegetables and I heard the familiar buzzing that used to bring fear, but now I understood without those bees I wouldn’t have tomatoes or cucumbers, or eggplant or you name it. That doesn’t even get into a world without honey.

Still Proeun is the beekeeper in the family, though Two is begging for a suit and I would actually like one as well, or at least the hat and gloves like Proeun is wearing. Here he checks the entrance to the hive to make sure it is clear while some bees hitch a ride. I told him, make sure you take your hat off before you go inside.

Here he feeds the bees sugar water since not too many of the plants are flowering yet. They have already started producing beautiful creamy white wax, the likes of which I have never seen. Yes I am thinking I am really going to enjoy this.

Frolicking with the Goats

So one great thing about bottle-fed goats is how comfortable they are with people. We have gotten in the habit of taking our 3 babies out for play time with the children. The goats and children all have their favorites and luckily they line up just fine. The little goats follow their children around and call for them when they can’t see them. Avril has really gotten good at calling for her baby Margaret. Here are some photos from one day this week.

Thoughts on Goats

This weekend we did one of those crazy things we are getting known for–like farming. Yes at 8:00 in the morning we loaded all our children, 4 and counting in the suburban and drove to Little Canada to pick-up the 2 colonies of bees we had ordered. We were not sure the exact day they would come in so we had planned to also pick up 3 more goats that day. No big deal right?

So we loaded to 2 metal wire containers in the back and were serenaded by a pleasant buzzing for the next 2.5 hours as we continued driving to southern Minnesota’s Wren Hill Farm where we picked up Margaret, Pearl and Kojo (sorry I couldn’t link directly to their individual page but you can look at them under “Kid’s and Kidding.”

It was such a joy to visit this farm. The owner Allan Weinand really has a passion for goats and in a few years has gotten quite the herd going.

Then we drove home 3.5 hours and arrived just in time for bottles for the kids (goats) and bed. There are 2 ways that you can raise your goats–dam raising meaning they stay with their mother until they wean about 8 weeks and then you milk or bottle raising where they are removed from their mothers and raised by humans on bottles from the beginning. There are goods and bads for both. One good for bottle raising is disease prevention that can be passed from mother to kids.

So when you buy goats it depends on what the farm you are buying from does. Some will dam raise and wean at 8 weeks and then you can pick up your goats. Some will sell mother and kids together as in the case with our Ginger and some will sell bottle babies.

So now for a mom that has never mixed a bottle I am mixing 3 bottles 2 times a day for 3 baby goats.

Luckily I have lots of help. Two with Kojo (our new B* buck I am so excited about) and Mavis and grandma with Pearl.

And Avril with Margaret (my favorite little lady).

They are such a joy. At first I didn’t think I would bottle raise any but I am realizing I may not have any choice. Allan was telling me about a goat he had that had 6 babies in one litter a few years back. Even with help only 4 surrived but without the human help I am sure that number would have been lower. Ginger had triplets but could only handle twins so one was taken off and put on a bottle. So at least now I am learning the ins and outs of bottle feeding before we are in an emergency situation where we may loose a goat.

In May Raven, our adult female is set to kid, now I know how to bottle feed should the need arise. The hardest thing I think about bottle feeding is the goats get really attached to you which is good but when you leave them they cry something fierce. And I really believe nature made the cries of babies so that mother’s physically could not ignore it. Even though I am not the same species I am finding the crying really difficult to deal with. Hopefully in a couple days it will get better. At least we have 3 of them so they have each other and are kept together.

Plans for next year I will hopefully have 5 plus goats milking and maybe 10 plus babies running around. I really need to get my goat page up and running but honestly the goats are shedding winter coats right now and not very pretty. Soon I’ll get my own pictures to share.

Busy Days

These days are oh so busy. But it doesn’t seem so bad when you are working right along side people you love. This morning Proeun and I were working on the chicken tractor (moveable chicken housing) for the chicken pasture. It’s Friday and it’s been a long week and I was thinking, “what am I going to blog about?” and then I looked up and saw this,

kids making a house out of a tree, kids present and able to help when we are framing and need an extra hand, kids telling parents stories while they work, laughing together and taking breaks for hugs and kisses. Yes I guess busy isn’t so bad, not when it is the right kind of busy with the right people.