On any typical day I will be cooking at least three meals, packing CSA boxes, delivering CSA boxes taking care of the animals, homeschooling and trying to keep house.
Yesterday I added some extra cooking, granola and roasted almonds,in the afternoon. Then while dinner cooked out to deworming the goats (its been a horrible year for parasites). Proeun called and I actually had to tell him, “Sorry honey I can’t talk to you right now I am deworming goats.” Never thought I would have to say that.
Then after dinner, settle down with a quick story and then bed for the kids. At some point in the day I was comparing my life with what it could be. If I had chosen a more traditional life with a career outside the home, 2 children and a nice little house in the suburbs I probably would have more free time, more down time. But as I was cooking dinner I thought about a quote I read somewhere about dogs and how dogs actually like to have a job to do. I guess I do to. I like to have things to do; and I especially like to be engaged in meaningful actitivies. There are plenty of those on the farm. Small acts like deworming the goats contributes to the overall health of the farm–same with cooking meals.
Another quote I read was that “Children spell love T-I-M-E.” The author went on to say that engaging in daily life with our children is a really good way to fit that in. So yes I am busy, yes my life is full, but it’s just about “Living Life” and loving every minute.