A few years ago I was introduced to the idea of good, better, best. In a world with a finite amount of time we need to be really conscious how we spend our time. In all honestly each person probably only has time to spend on the best things–not to mention better and good. But lately i find I have been spending my time on not even good things.
Yes I have a confession, a budding new obsession–computer time. I have admitted before that I have a TV addiction, luckily I am in the process of kicking it, but I am afraid I haven’t been vigilant in guarding my computer time so carefully.
Proeun and I have talked of leaving the TV behind when we move to the farm, but because of the nature of our business, communicating with customers, researching and ordering products, blogging and connecting with markets, then there is my writing career we will most likely never have a computer free house.
I had planned on Tuesday and Wednesday being TV free days so that we can really focus on the best things but I hadn’t planned on cutting computer time as well. But you know how it is, you walk by transitioning from one task to the other, see the computer and think, I’ll just check my email real quick, I wonder what is happening on facebook, has Blue Collar Daughter posted anything today? I have about 3 blogs I try to read every day. Now I have added another 3 I love and am following regularly and I can’t get behind because then I would have to get caught up right?
Anyway you know how it goes. So beginning tomorrow we are going to start our practice TV and computer free days. By computer free I mean I will devote 1/2 hour to necessary computer work, then turn it off.
For us the best things to spend time on are character development for me and the children–yes you are truly never too old to grow and change and become a better person. One of my favorite authors Ellen White says that if you are not growing [as a person] you are dying. So character development and relationship development will be our focus, and I hope to make these a worthwhile obsession.