Country Dreams

A few days ago I had a dream that President Obama asked me to be Secretary of State. This came at a time when I was feeling disheartened by the cost and logistics of purchasing land. Even purchasing on Contract for Deed or Rent To Own seemed beyond our financial abilities. Knowing that one day I would want to live in the country, have a lot of animals and room I was feeling like my dream could never be a reality–at least not while the children were young enough to grow up on a farm.

That night I had a dream. President Obama asked me to be Secretary of State. I was so excited. I was to be his right hand and travel and be very influential. My parents were happy and proud as were my in-laws. Then I thought about my children. The long hours they would be without their mother and the exhaustion. I imagined them growing up without me. I thought about my farm. And I turned the President down.

I think sometimes the Lord send us dreams to warn us of a wrong path (I have had these dreams before) but also at times he encourages us. I felt this dream was meant to be an encouragement that the work I am doing as a mother, including our lifestyle as farmers with a focus on sustainable and simple living was vastly important. Even an appointment from the President couldn’t replace the work the Lord appointed for me. I believe that the Lord has our best interests at heart and that he will guide us and bring us to where we should be at the right time. The dream was definitely an encouragement.