Small Miracles and Wisdom Teeth

Friday Proeun had the wisdom teeth removed from the right side of his mouth. We had done the left side last November and were anxious to get it all completed. I cleared my calendar of all farm jobs and jobs for the newspaper I write for, cleaned the house earlier in the week, and made crock pot meals for the day so I could just focus on taking care of him.

We scheduled the appointment early in the morning and when we got home mid morning all he wanted to do was sleep. Wow I didn’t have anything else I had to do, he was sleeping and it was cold and rainy outside the perfect day for getting some projects done.

Here are some of the projects I have been working on. A sweater for Mavis, a quilted picnic blanket and a photo album of our California trip (yes from last August). Austin (the black cat) just loves acomfy spot, like I set it up just for him.

I had cut out the pieces for the quilted picnic blanket last February when I was first introduced to Soule Mama and her book Handmade Home. The top is now completed and since the book has long since been returned to the library I have to remember how to do the back. All the material in it is from other projects.

I love sewing and knitting and doing all kinds of projects but have had to accept that this is not the time of my life to work on these projects very regularly but I am getting better at finding time to fit them in. Like working on Mavis’ sweater while driving to the farm. I am using some great Peace Fleece yarn from years ago when my mom and I had a big enough order to order wholesale. Then I ran out of the yarn early last week. I quickly ordered some more hoping the dye lots would be close.I ordered on Tuesday then realized that Friday would be a great day to work on the project. Friday morning I prayed for a small miracle, that my yarn would arrive that day. I didn’t really think it would but hoped. And it did, even early. So I had plenty of time to work on it. The body is finished and one sleeve almost. Soon I will be finishing it. The pattern is  Little Turtle Knits Swing Thing. I love their diaper cover patterns as well.

And the photo album. My camera is getting pretty full. I try to clean off the work pictures and the blog pictures I don’t need printed but still I have of 1,200 pictures on it. So I am working on printing some of the old ones and  putting them on CDs if neccessary but it is quite the project. But it’s great to have all these albums to look at!

All in all it was a pretty great day and Proeun is feeling much better.