Chicks from Anoka Ramsey Feed

It has been a couple years since we got our chickens. While they are still laying a tolerable amount each day I can tell they are slowing down. I got the idea of getting a couple replacements about a month ago but it seemed like way too much with everything going on planning and plantingwise. However the children have really been clamoring for more baby animals, chicks especially. So yesterday it was raining. I decided it would be a good day forĀ a drive. I took out all our chick supplies and after dropping Proeun off at work we began our journey.

To Anoka Ramsey Feed and Seed. It’s not too far past the sprawl, actually right on the edge of it and about 40 minutes from our house. For those in the cities it has been the key for keeping a connection with the country. They have become the spot for chicks and baby bunnies and plants for all kinds.

Back behind the old barn they keep adult chickens, geese and ducks. This is where we got our chickens 2 years ago and have been very happy with them.

Here’s Two picking out one from a mixed group of chicks and ducks.

The children were very disappointed that bunnies were not on the shopping list.

We brought a box to transport our chicks in. Two wanted to hold the box all the way home. I knew there was no hope for a nap after getting those chicks in the house, but I needed a break so I went to take a nap. I knew I should have made the kids put the chicks in their home before I laid down but I was exhausted. When I woke-up I didn’t see any chicks. I asked Two where they were. He said, “they are in their ship.” I thought he meant the box we brought them back in .

I was wrong. I am so glad we selected chicks 2-3 weeks old rather then the day olds we originally planned on. The chicks have been real troopers but I do have to remind the children to put them down frequently for a break and water. When we picked Proeun up last night 2 chicks came with. Proeun said, “you didn’t bring the chicks did you?”

Two has been really working on being responsible, cleaning up after them and keeping them safe. I told Proeun when we move to the farm we probably better try to have some baby animals every year.

Two kept saying, “I can’t believe I have a baby chick.”